
The Heroes of Our Product Releases: Jublia’s Very Own Tech Team!

All the sweat, blood, tears of our tech team throughout Q3
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October 27, 2022

“We are entering an exciting phase with the return of live events. This creates excitement in Tech to build out our Engagement Hub modules further to take our Native platform from the shadows to the limelight,” said Chinab Chugh, Jublia’s CTO.

This is what inspired our tech team to go through one of Jublia’s busiest quarters in 2022: Q3 had our biggest releases with products like Jublia Scan, Public Hub, Event App revamp, and so much more.

Want to get all the behind the scenes scoop of how the quarter was like for those who developed the product while getting to know these megaminds? Let’s dive into the full story!

Time and Brainstorming Sessions: Both a Man’s Best Friend and Worst Enemy

With all the product releases in the quarter, the tech team had all hands on deck. This includes everyone from the 4 subteams of Jublia’s Tech Team, which are: Proton, Electron, Neutron, and Tech Success. Let’s see what they shared about the journey.

Proton Team is dubbed as the innovators of the Tech Team. They came up with new projects to enhance event experience in the last quarter. Amongst the many, the lead of the Proton Team mentioned that out of all the projects the team handled throughout the quarter, our new AI-powered lead scanner Jublia Scan and Jublia App Revamp were among the most memorable ones. “This is because it involved every team in Jublia like Marketing and CS (Customer Success) which got to be super impactful to the clients,” he said.

The team also shared their favorite projects that they handled so far:

As the team in charge of Jublia's core module, the Neutron Team also managed a lot of projects from the quarter. The lead of the team was especially fond of Public Hub, one of the newest additions to the family. Now, you can open your digital booth to the public without providing login details.

He added, “We also aim to complete the story-driven analytics that we already planned ahead, and so far we released Interaction Analytics & Company CRM Analytics. It’s pretty exciting!”

The rest of the Neutron Team also added to the list of their favorite projects to work on:

The Electron Team is in charge of data integration, thus considered to be the backbone of the tech team. The Electron Team Lead shared that Q3 was pretty tough to face. “One of the biggest projects we handled is API sync, a very old project which has a code that is several years old. We had to make a very difficult decision: continue with this old existing code or build it back from scratch. We chose the latter which was very challenging.”

Out of all the projects, these were the Electron Teams’ favorites:

As the bridge between the entirety of the Tech Team and the Customer Service Team, our Tech Success Team acts as our communication heroes who make sure things go as planned and are able to meet the client’s needs.

When asked about how the TS team went through the quarter, Tech Success Team Lead recalled “Excited? Yes. Deg-degan (Indonesian slang for anxious)? Also yes. Exhausting? Yes. Because TS has the role to make sure that product releases are 10,000% good and stable. But it’s all worth it because it’s useful and helpful for the users.”

Like the rest of the Tech Team, they also shared their favorite projects:

Even the most fun projects have their own challenges, but the tech team is known for their eagerness to push through and deliver their best to enhance our client’s event experience.

For the tech team, time constraints and the volatility of live events are among the top concerns. With the ever-changing live events trend, we always have to adjust to the needs of the clients to ensure the best of their event experience, though admittedly it has left the team with so many projects and so little time. But it is no miracle that they were able to put out the best outcome - through clear communication, they were able to overcome these challenges.

Hard Work Pays Off

Q3 has been one heck of a journey so far for everyone in Jublia, especially the Tech Team. Chinab mentions how he is very proud of the Tech Team because the Techies embody the Jublia values in their work. This, he said, is the reason that they could survive this especially busy quarter. 

Looking back at all the effort spent on the last quarter, the only thing that makes it well worth it is witnessing how impactful the products are for our client’s events.

“The most rewarding thing about all the work is when our own products are being used by the users and they give us their feedback. This is very valuable for our future improvements as well as one of the forms of validation to our hard work. To be able to know that what we built is actually being used out there and able to hear what the user has to say is a very interesting experience,” said Irfan, our Engineering Director.

Take a look at what the rest of the team has to say about this:

How Does the Tech Team See Themselves in 2023?

Now that Q3 is done, we are one step closer to the end of 2022. There’s still some more “gifts” that the Tech Team has up their sleeves towards the end of the year, but 2023 is looking like a whole new adventure ahead.

“I look forward to separating Technology from Product, so that both functions can spur the Engagement Hub forward,” said Chinab about how the future of the Tech Team looks like. “We have to create the best Web and Native platform out there for events. And I am confident in our ability across all teams at Jublia in doing so!” he added.

Our engineers have been working hard to bring continuous improvement in all departments for our clients. What is your favorite release from Jublia so far?

Please look forward to our new innovations that cater to your event needs. Follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to know or instantly book a demo for more information on how our products can empower your live events!

Written By :
Shafira Amalia
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