
Attendee-centric Event Focus at World Bio Markets

Improving the attendee experience with Jublia’s tailored solutions
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September 26, 2023

World Bio Markets 2023, held on May 10-11 in the Netherlands, connected over 350 bioeconomy industry leaders from 36 countries with the aim to accelerate the transition of a fossil-free economy. Supported by World Bio Markets Insights, over the course of two days, bio developers and producers participated in pre-arranged commercial meetings, knowledge sharing and exchange, and networking activities alongside global  brands and buyers, investors, community enablers and suppliers.

We are proud to be a part of this event, helping to facilitate matchmaking and networking sessions with our tailored solutions. 

Converting the Public Audience into Attendees

For World Bio Markets, the main goal of the event was to increase the attendance participation as well as attendee engagement. In addition to providing appealing event speakers and content, they wanted to find a way to entice more people to come to their event. To create hype and drive attendance, the World Bio Markets team incorporated a Public Hub as part of their event planning strategy. 

With  Public Hub, the general public got a preview into the event, showcasing a sneak peek into what the event has to offer, including speakers and other attendees. The goal here is to intrigue their target audience and trigger their curiosity, encouraging them to register for this event, thus converting public audiences to attendees.  

This effort was not in vain, with a significant increase in the event attendee turnout and the number of conversations held during the event.

The responses from the event attendees also supported the audience turnout:

Encouraging Networking from the Start

This is the first year in which World Bio Markets implemented a native event app for their event, with the intention of improving efficiency and the overall event experience for attendees.  

Attendees were able to effectively plan their event day by using the dedicated event app. They could arrange 1 on 1 meetings with other attendees or speakers, bookmark sessions they were interested in, and create a personalized agenda for the day, even days before the event started. This gave attendees the peace of mind of knowing that they had everything they needed to make the most of their event experience.

The app also included an interactive floorplan of the venue, which helped attendees find their way to the different booths and meeting locations. This was especially helpful for the event which had multiple speakers and sessions taking place simultaneously.

Utilizing the Power of AI in Matchmaking

The organizers at World Bio Markets were able to make use of Jublia's AI-powered matchmaking platform, using the data provided by attendees, exhibitors, and buyers during the registration process to create personalized recommendations. The platform's algorithm curated attendee profiles to help attendees send more meeting requests without having to search for potential matches on their own.

By monitoring the data in real-time, they were able to boost meeting requests on-site, tracking meeting requests and acceptance rates, identifying trends and insights in their matchmaking strategies. 

This was reflected in the satisfaction levels of the attendees:

Let’s get in touch!

We are honored to be trusted by World Bio Markets to support their event activities and goals again in 2023, and we hope to continue this fruitful partnership in the coming events. 

Looking to supercharge your events? The Jublia team are ready and up for the challenge in order to DigitaLIVE your events, streamlining and enhancing your events — with our comprehensive solutions to deliver a valuable experience for both you and your attendees. Send us a message at and follow us on LinkedIn to get in touch and see our latest updates.

Written By :
Atyana Raharjanto
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